12 x 2 minute video series ( with photos and animated graphics) for social media
Environmental news of doom and gloom can leave one depressed and
feeling helpless.
“Meanwhile on Planet Earth” will take a different approach to educate, inspire, and activate audiences of all ages, but particularly young adults ages 18-35.
Told through the voice of a visiting alien (Ulrike) sent here to gather ideas
for how to save her own planet, we will tell inspirational stories about smart
solutions and exciting ideas, and share tips to make positive change.
She is from out of this world. From her perspective, Earth and it’s
inhabitants are incredibly hopeful and inspiring. She is impressed with their
ability to solve big problems through both large and small efforts.
Humans’ creativity and collaboration is something she admires and praises
as she reports back to her mothership.
With a childlike spirit mixed with universal wisdom and high intelligence,
Ulrike’s verve and curiosity takes her all over the globe to observe
individuals, communities, and organizations who are making a positive
She observes, reports back, and then serves up tips and to do items for
how to make positive change. Not unlike Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix series) she stays positive and unfazed by nay-sayers.
Sample Episode
Part of our research shows that the environment recuperated in unexpected areas
Ulrike discovers California coastal fishing
laws reduced the amount of fishing by 75%
10 years ago. The last years ocean wildlife has
recuperated so much that
the area between Santa Barbara, Ventura
and the Channel Islands could provide the
entire world population with protein.
Call to Action: Shop local fish markets
where fishing laws are balanced between
the interests of economy and ecology.
The video below is a sample video for the animation style: