Next Speaking Engagements
Hollywood Digital, July 23, 2024, 4-5.30 ET, or 10 pm Berlin time
Brandfestival Berlin, Sept. 12th 2024, 4.10 pm
Women in AI, Berlin on location, September 27, 2024
New Ai tools are published every day. This is exciting but also overwhelming. Each Thursday, we are going to explore AI tools in online, interactive Workshops.
Together we will create images, seamless patterns, logos, color palettes, typography, and a no-code website landing page. Each class covers one topic. Not everything works well with AI and we will talk about limitations as well.
The generated images are inspiring, but will not always be a final design. This will not replace a professional designer or strategic ideation phase. But it will give you many prototype options and minimum-viable products.
The workshops are for designers or anyone who wants to get design ideas. No AI experience is necessary. Sign up on eventbrite, see buttons below.

1. Seamless Patterns
Learn to create 10 Seamless Patterns
in the time it takes to eat a sandwich.

2. Retro Collages
Learn to create 10 retro collages like this
in the time it takes to eat a sandwich.

3. Intro AI for beginners
Learn to create 10 stunning images like this
in the time it takes to eat a sandwich.

Who benefited from Viva Design creative sessions:
Design Companies
Viva Design Academy
Self-timed Online courses at Kajabi/vivadesign
BDA conference New York and Los Angeles
Creative classes at SBCAST
You hire me for:
"Supercharge your creativity with AI generative Tools"
Leading Diverse Teams - Workshops
Storytelling for video - Workshops
Panel Sessions and Speaking Engagements at Conferences and Festivals
I am currently teaching Design Management to Graphic Design students (MA) at the international University HMKW in Berlin.
I also teach Motion Design at Berlin International University graphic design (BA) students. Our topic is to create videos with scientific data (from Nasa) to communicate to a larger audience, a deep dive into digital storytelling.
Berlin Interntational University
HMKW, Berlin
Viva Design Summer Academy
SRH Design Akademie, Berlin
Scad, Savannah, GA, USA
Miami Ad School
Minerva, San Francisco/ Online
Hyperisland, Sweden
HTK, Berlin

Creativity and imagination produce today's most valuable currency – innovation. A company's best ideas for creating or improving products or services come from people at all levels of the organization. Viva Design’s workshops help to harness more creativity. Our playful approach is based on the latest understanding and science of creativity.
In our workshops you will learn techniques to create videos, quality content for social media. Our exercises are great for building teams and expanding your knowledge. Supercharge your creative energy and bring back soul into your work! We will teach you the tools to create videos for social media that are worth watching.

Logo, Color, Typography, Product Design and Branding Creation with AI
Creativity and imagination produce today's most valuable currency – innovation. A company's best ideas for creating or improving products or services come from people at all levels of the organization. Viva Design’s workshops help to harness more creativity. Our playful approach is based on the latest understanding and science of creativity.
In our workshops you will learn techniques to create videos, quality content for social media. Our exercises are great for building teams and expanding your knowledge. Supercharge your creative energy and bring back soul into your work! We will teach you the tools to create videos for social media that are worth watching.

We get people off their seats, out of their minds. The exercises are challenging, fun, fast and furious. They stretch participants into a new way of thinking or doing.

Ulrike Kerber
Viva Design’s workshops are designed to expand creativity in your company. Participants will come up with a quantity of ideas, experiment, learn new techniques and teamwork. They will create videos and learn to produce quality content.
We have an extensive range of playful exercises, that bring out the creativity in all of the participants, if they regard themselves creative or not. They are fun, team-building and improve collaboration!
Generate an abundance of ideas using the Viva Design tool box of 21 tips and tricks
Come up with more unconventional ideas by pulling from different domains
Use playfulness to solve "real life problems"
Build stronger teams by working together in ways you haven’t done before
Develop more user empathy
Bring back soul into the workplace by doing analog, hands -on, get-messy exercises
Create meaningful content for your social media
Classes include:
Exercises for conceptualizing, writing, art and video creation.
“Training the eye to see different” exercises with smart phone cameras
Stop-motion /cel animation
Character creation out of recycled objects
Art installations (chandeliers, galleries, mobiles) with a variety of materials.
All exercises are customized to group needs.
Learn the tools and techniques so you and your team can generate successful, meaningful, dynamic videos for tv, online (social media), apps and projections.
Filming, Photography and Photoshop
Animation in Adobe AfterEffects
Editing in Adobe Premier Pro,
Timelapse, stop-motion, cel animation, gifs
As a result you have a completed company video with the topic of your choice. and the exercise files to use as templates.
Who should attend :Designers, Animators, Recruiters, Executives, Researchers, Artists, Producers, Managers, Copy-Writers, Programmers and any creative Leaders.

Creative thinking can be trained like muscles. It needs exercising. What is your creative fitness level?
Ulrike Kerber

Alan M.
entrepreneur, scientist and artist
Santa Barbara, CA
Learning about the worlds of creative process, through Ulrike's words, pictures and images, is enlightening and leaves you wishing for more!
Hannah C.W.
animator, designer
Atlanta, GA
Our past year of working together has taught me so much about what this business is and what is can be. Through your guidance I’ve grown so much into a more knowledgeable person. It made me focus more carefully on my goals and where I want my career to go. I look forward to working with you in the future,
Corinna M.
Healer and Ayurvedic Practitioner
Lindau, Germany
I love the fun and playful energy that the Viva design workshops are famous for! My creative blocks are melting away under laughter and I am free to be a more powerful creator in my life
Sarah B.
Yass, Australia
Such a wonderful way to bring like-minded people together to bounce creative ideas from one mind to the next. It is an amazing experience to see the work created by each individual or to be a part of a group that created a mini masterpiece!