Training 1: AI for Creativity
Training 1: AI for Creativity
Using generative AI tools to optimize creative processes in design
Available spots
Service Description
This AI training is designed for you or your team to enhance your creativity. Improve your Visuals, Animations, Videos, and Branding with AI! In today's rapidly evolving world, the power of AI is revolutionizing the way we create and enhance visuals, animations, videos, and branding packages. However, keeping up with the constant influx of new AI tools can be challenging, making it difficult to become proficient or stay ahead of the curve. That's why our workshop offers a comprehensive and accessible step-by-step approach tailored for your team. For your workshop, our team diligently researches and handpicks the best AI tools available. Through engaging, hands-on exercises, participants will not only learn the theoretical foundations of AI in visual design, but they will also gain practical experience by reproducing these processes themselves. By the end of the workshops, attendees will possess the necessary skills to utilize these cutting-edge AI tools, amplifying the effectiveness of their work exponentially. To ensure the workshop is perfectly tailored to your needs, we kindly request the following information: Description of Your Company: Provide an overview of your company. Understanding your company's identity will enable us to align the workshop content with your specific branding requirements. Specify the range of services or products your company offers. This knowledge will assist us in identifying the most relevant AI applications that can enhance your offerings and drive innovation. Learning Goals: Outline your primary objectives for attending the workshop. Whether you seek to improve specific design skills, optimize workflow efficiency, or explore novel AI techniques, please be as specific as possible. This will allow us to design a curriculum that directly addresses your learning goals. Workshop Expectations: Describe your expectations for the workshop, including any specific challenges or pain points you hope to overcome. Additionally, please communicate any preferences you have regarding workshop intensity, or specific topics of interest. You will receive session recordings as well as the PDF Book "The Best AI Tools for Designers", that includes other session recordings (value $95.99). If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Ulrike@vivadesign.com

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Things happen, and you might need to cancel...This is ok, but please understand that the course will be moving on and the full charge is applied. You will receive the recorded video, and all materials necessary.
Contact Details